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Stop! Escape! Retrieve! Win!

Protagonists are driven through a story
by 1 of these basic wants.

Using this principle, anyone can write a screenplay.

But your work should stand out.

Your stories can explore new dilemmas,

& your characters can be freed from cliches,

to experience unique journeys,

that captivate millions.

Together, we’ll map out your new world,

trace your characters’ movements through it.

select moments to elevate your message,

and place a frame around these scenes.

As your writing coach, I offer:

script feedback / edits / punch-ups / market strategy

with 1 motivation:

your story must WIN.

FEATURESWhether your idea is based on a character, a scene, an era, or a location - I’ll help you turn it into a ready-to-pitch screenplay.


Whether your idea is based on a character, scene, era, or a location - I’ll turn it into a ready-to-pitch screenplay.

ANIMATIONAnimation puts smiles on the faces of children, adults, and everything in between. And many ideas look best animated…


Animation puts smiles on the faces of kids, adults, and everything in between. And many ideas look best animated…

SERIESA potential comedy/ drama/ horror/ mystery series lies in every type of life experience… what’s yours?


A potential comedy/ drama/ horror/ mystery lies in every life-altering experience… what’s yours?

MUSIC VIDEOSMusic makes us feel the story in everything; a dog not walking into a room, a car alarm going off, the drop of sweat on a lip...


With music we feel the story in anything; a dog not walking into a room, a car alarm, the drop of sweat on a lip...

SHORTSExplore atypical characters, new theories, and strange ideas, and establish a bold new voice for yourself.


Explore atypical characters, new theories, strange scenarios, and establish a bold new voice for yourself.

POETICMeditations, soundscapes, podcasts, poetry, song lyrics and rap verse all thrive in a free-flowing environment…


The No. 1 growing medium over the last decade - I’ve written award-winning podcast stories and I’m hugely passionate about this untapped niche!

DOCUMENTARYWhether investigating an event, a person, a scene, or an unexplored  truth, all you truly need, to start, is a smartphone…


Investigate a single event, a global phenomenon, or an inspiring person - but always enrich your audience.

CORPORATE & EDUCATIONALWe live in an Attention Economy. Use an expert to capture your viewer’s attention, maintain it & convert it into actions.


a) Create valuable & informative stories

b) Maintain your viewer’s attention

c) Convert into positive actions


Screenplay & Treatment Development / $75ph

Development Meeting (2-3 hours) / $150

Script Notes (90-120 pg screenplay) / $750


I’ve developed numerous pitch decks and bibles with Alec’s assistance over the years. His contributions as a writer and editor have been invaluable.
— Sarah Cyrano, Senior Producer at Wondery (an Amazon Company)
Having Alec in our writers meetings was a huge boost - he came in with fresh perspective and added loads of value to everything we wrote together!
— Bruce Legg, Director of Supa Strikas
I’ve used him for my documentaries as well as short artistic films, and he’s always meticulous at getting the very best out of the script idea I bring to him.
— Tatjana Meirelles, Filmmaker
We always come up with great ideas together - I consider him a co-writer who is also an excellent editor, rather than just being an editor.
— Joshua De Kock, Creative Director M&C Saatchi Abel

+44 7809358813

London, Tower Bridge

Or simply tell me about your project below, and I’ll recommend a route forward.

